What Are The Most Popular Online Casino Games in Europe?

Professionals at Kongebonus, a new online casinos site, collected well-known casino games such as online blackjack and poker. They then studied each game's average monthly search volume over the past year.

The analysis was carried out for major European cities such as Paris and Manchester. Their goal was to identify the most popular online casino games in Europe.

1st: Keno


Keno is the most Googled casino game in Europe. This game is comparable to lotteries. Players choose numbers and win awards based on how many numbers they guess right.

Online keno collects an impressive average of 553,341 searches a month. Strasbourg, France, is the top searcher for the game, with roughly 9,901 monthly searches per 100,000 inhabitants.

2nd: Lottery


Lottery games are the second most oft-searched online casino games. They get an average of 509,909 monthly searches. Manchester, UK, is the city that searches most for online lotteries. It records 4,249 monthly searches per 100,000 people.

3rd: Bingo


Bingo ranks third with about 226,053 searches per month. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital, looks for online bingo the most. The city registers an average monthly search volume of 2,634 per 100,000 residents.

4th: Poker


Poker follows next, receiving an average of 214,633 monthly searches. Frankfurt, Germany, shows the greatest interest in online poker. It records 723 searches per month for every 100,000 residents.

5th: Slots


Online slots secure the fifth position, attracting 112,483 monthly searches on average. Vigo, Spain, shows the greatest interest in online slots. The city reports 775 searches per month for every 100,000 residents.

6th: Blackjack


Blackjack ranks sixth among popular online casino games, recording an average of 103,796 monthly searches. Vigo again leads in the search for online blackjack. The city marks 1,477 average monthly searches for every 100,000 residents.

7th: Roulette


Online roulette follows next, averaging 91,248 monthly searches. Paris, France is the top city searching for online roulette. The city sees roughly 496 monthly searches per 100,000 residents.

8th: Jackpot


Jackpot takes the eighth place, with an average of 88,256 monthly searches. Ljubljana, Slovenia holds the highest interest in online jackpot games. It reports an impressive 4,142 monthly searches for every 100,000 people.

9th: Baccarat


Baccarat secures the ninth place with a monthly average of 76,820 Google searches. Paris leads the searches for online baccarat. Parisians search for the game 553 times a month for every 100,000 inhabitants.

10th: Craps


Craps, a dice-betting game, stands among Europe's most popular online casino games. It garners 24,063 average monthly searches in Europe. Vigo takes the lead in searching for this game with 1,401 searches per 100,000 people monthly.

RankOnline gameAverage Monthly Searches
11Scratch cards16,580
13Sic bo1,748
14Live dealer813

Eve Luneborg is an expert on online casinos at Kongebonus, a website for new online casinos. She finds it interesting that online Keno, lottery, and bingo games are leading in the rankings. These simple number drawing games don't need any player strategy or skill. It seems online players prefer these chance games. They may not want to play more complex games like Poker or Blackjack and favor straightforward, low-risk casino games.

“Arguably, the simplicity of these games is also more enjoyable, and anyone can play them. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or have no experience playing casino games online, you could easily win a game of keno, lottery, or bingo. No pressure, no stress, no skill – just have fun!”

- Eve Luneborg

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